Saturday, September 13, 2014

Five for Fri-SATURDAY!

Happy Happy Saturday Y'all! I can not express what an amazing week this has been for me. I hope you all have had great weeks as well! 

I am going to jump right into this Five for Friday hosted by Doodle Bugs Teaching!

So, first, I experienced my first NFL game this past Sunday! My boyfriend is a DIEHARD.. I mean D.I.E.H.A.R.D New England sports fan. I will be totally honest with y'all, until I met him, I would wear certain team colors proudly and I would buy all the cute bows but, I didn't know squat about the game itself and before him, I didn't care. This changed because of the amount of passion J has for his teams. J goes out of his way to make a conscious effort to teach me about different plays, players, and parts of the game and I love it. I love the look he gets when I understand what he is saying and I really am beginning to enjoy it as well. 

Anyways, I bought us tickets to see the first Patriots game of the season! The Pats took on the Dolphins in Miami and although we didn't win, we had a blast! 

Second...holy baby fever! So no, we are not even close to thinking about having children but I have a serious case of the baby fever after this weekend. Ladies, I think we can all agree that seeing our men with babies/children is just heart melting. Well, this weekend, we spent a lot of time babysitting-most of the families I babysit for are super close to me and are invite J to come with. He typically does and it is so adorable.- hello photo montage:


These five children are all very near and dear to my heart and I am so happy/thankful/overjoyed that J takes an interest in them and their families as they all do for us. 

WHOOP WHOOP for small victories! A huge thank you to Miss Lindsey Johns- the soon to be Mrs. Lindsey Paull over at Thriving in Third for featuring me on her "Featured Teacher Friday"I now have 20 followers on Bloglovin and Blogger! 

Everyone has to start somewhere, right?

 My classroom is full of six little rock stars! This month, we are focusing on community helpers and the past week, we specifically focused on firemen and police officers. I could not be more happy with the children and parents I have this year! 

Because, it isn't a five for friday...saturday without these two. 

Oh! and to throw in a number six... I got my first cold of the year last weekend..yeah, I went to the Patriots/Dolphins game in 111* weather for four hours with a fever, sniffles, and sore throat..oh hi there best girlfriend ever! 
Dayquil, Antibiotics and lots of cough drops! 


  1. I love your 5 for Friday posts! They are so cute :) I just started my blog back up but my 5 for Friday isn't half as cute!

    <3 Tash @ Tea and Toast (

  2. Congrats on your followers! We do all start somewhere.... I nearly have 50 on Bloglovin'..... I hope you feel better soon!
