Hi Bloggers!
So, when I re-started this blogging journey of mine, I pursued through countless posts titled "Stitch Fix Review" being the crazy shop-a-holic that I am, I decided to try stitch fix out for myself! This afternoon, I received my first box and I was very pleased and definitely hooked.
Most of the posts I read said that the girls first box was unsuccessful -I would have to say that I got pretty lucky. I loved all of the pieces that were selected for me but here is my full review:
When I opened the box, everything was neatly wrapped in crisp white tissue paper and mint stickers. There was a mint envelope sitting on top which included the style card-ideas for the pieces and how to style each one- the price list and a return bag.
These are the four clothing items I received-three tops and one maxi skirt.
And this bracelet was the fifth item. I tried the bracelet on, I DO like it and the profits benefit women in Uganda however, the price for the item was not in my budget at all. {PASS}
*SWOON* I LOVE this maxi skirt! Black and White Chevron, very stretchy and a nice cool material. I absolutely adore maxi skirts and have been shopping all over for a simple pattern like this. {KEEP}
This top is an aztec-y navy and pink razorback. Again, very comfy and it fits perfectly. However, as much as I love this top, I feel like I can find something comparable at a TJMAXX, Marshalls, Etc. for half the price. {PASS}
I loved this teal 3/4 top before I put it on however, it doesn't have much stretch and it was made out of a chiffon like material and that isn't exactly ideal when working with toddlers. {PASS}
The last item, this sleeveless navy blue top but again, I love the idea of this top but, it didn't fit perfectly and I have a a few tops similar to this one from New York and Co. that were half the price! {PASS}
When I filled out the initial form, I put my size down as medium and all of these tops were true mediums but being that I am on the floor all day with toddlers, I like my tops to have a little bit of room in them. Although I am not going to purchase all of the pieces, I feel like the stylist understood my style and picked out pieces that are exactly what I am looking for.
I chose to try everything on BEFORE looking at the price sheet because I didn't want the price to hinder my true reaction of the item.
Bracelet $42
Maxi Skirt $48
Pink and Navy Top $54
Turquoise 3/4 $58
Navy Sleeveless $54
Stitch Fix items are definitely a little pricey but, the $20 does go towards your purchase!
Overall, I am very pleased with my first fix!