Saturday, August 2, 2014

August Currently!

Well, this is exciting! I am linking up this Saturday for my first ever "currently" linky hosted by the lovely Farley from Oh' Boy 4th Grade

I started my blog at the end of June and I had seen a few of these posts before via bloglovin and instagram. I decided that this month, I wanted to join! 

Listening: Pretty Little Liars, of course! I have a serious problem with abc family because there is a commercial literally EVERY 2 minutes! For this season of PLL, I decided that I would DVR the episodes and then just watch them a little later. I usually use Saturday mornings as a 'catch up' time because J is at work and I am able to multitask with blogging, lesson plans and online shopping :) 

Loving: That J's brothers are almost here! I could not be any more excited right now! They will be staying with us for the 12 days that they are here. There is never a dull moment when O and Keeg are around. 

Thinking: That here shortly I need to get a move on with the house chores and grocery shopping for the boys! 

Wanting: So again, I started this specific blog in late June but, this isn't my first blog. I have tried twice before and just couldn't get into a posting routine. I know that it has only been a month for Juiceboxes&Glitter but, I am pretty proud that I have been maintaining it. I also want to get involved more and meet new people!

Needing: I try to plan my lessons 2-3 months ahead and then adjust them as the lessons get closer based on the children's needs. For me, this just works because it keeps me on schedule and if I have to miss a day unexpectedly, the sub isn't left to fend for him/herself. I also have been working on organizing the storage spaces in my room and the dreaded teachers cabinet! 

1st Day Back- #lifeofapreschoolteacher. We work year round with 15-20 days off! Do what you love! 

I had so much fun with this linky! What are you up to currently?



  1. yay for your first Currently! They are a great way to network and learn about other bloggers! Good luck with the blog! Very cute!

  2. Your blog looks great! I agree with Rachel, that the Currently is a great way to network. The Monday Made it linky and Five for Friday have let me meet up with a lot of bloggers, too! Best of luck!
    Miss King's Enchanted Kingdom

    1. Thank you very much! I have linked up for one Monday Made It and a few Five for Fridays and I have really enjoyed both of those!
      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. You go girl. I'm newish, too, and the linkys are a great way to get in there. I'm teaching the little ones just a year after you in Kinder. I'll follow you! Kathleen

    1. Thank you so much Kathleen! I really appreciate it!

  4. Yay to your first Currently! I have not yet watched Pretty Little Liars.... is it on Netflix? I should check it out.

    1. It is on netflix! You'll get addicted. I read the book series and it's pretty close to the show!

  5. I just love the name of your blog! I binge-watched Pretty Little Liars this summer-it was definitely my guilty pleasure!

    Not Just Child's Play

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I am so obsessed with PLL! It's hard to not binge. Orange is the New Black is my current obsession though.
